Your benefits


√ High power density

√ Particularly robust design

√ High absorption of radial and axial loads

√ Solutions with gearbox and brake possible


Pneumatic and hydraulic motors in  the steel industry

Düsterloh Fluidtechnik has been developing and manufacturing pneumatic and hydraulic drive concepts for the steel industry for decades.


The processes used in the steel industry are subject to extreme conditions such as heat and dust generation, high demands on precision and sometimes high dynamic movements.


Our products have successfully mastered all these challenges for decades and are therefore the first choice for their applications.

Bottom roller drive for coil winding

Downstream of the rolling mill, the flat steel is coiled into strip steel coils. These can weigh up to 45 tons and are the most common form for transporting flat steel products. The machine for coiling the flat steel consists, among other things, of two rollers at the bottom on which the coil rests. The rollers are driven by the hydro brake geared motors and thus roll up the coil. The good controllability of the hydraulic motors in particular ensures high process reliability.

Steel production

To produce steel, pig iron is initially made from iron ore, coke and aggregates. This is usually done in blast furnaces or electric arc furnaces. The pig iron obtained is then converted into crude steel with steel scrap in converters. In this process, the carbon contained is burned by blowing up pure oxygen. The subsequent addition of alloying elements produces the later steel. The liquid steel is subsequently poured into ingot molds, where solidification takes place. Water-cooled ingot molds are most commonly used for continuous casting. In addition, ingot molds open on one side are used for casting ingots, and ingot molds are designed so that the steel has almost the final contour.

Our products

Hydraulic motor KM
Gearbox + Brake

Drives for ladle cars and scrap basket cars

Our products

Hydraulic motor RMX
Gearbox + Brake

Scrap basket cars transport the steel scrap from the nearby scrapyard to the steel mill. There, cranes lift the scrap car's charging vessels and transport the steel scrap to an electric arc furnace. Ladle cars, on the other hand, transport the molten pig iron to the converter or the foundry. In both cases, the rail-mounted wheels are reliably driven by the hydro brake geared motors. In addition, the trolley is also braked hydraulically by the hydraulic drive once it has reached its end position. The installed brakes enable the trolley not to move when stationary. The scrap car can weigh several hundred tons when full. Due to the weight, high dynamic forces are generated for the hydraulic drives during starting and braking. The units also master the high temperature differences between the arc furnace and the sometimes wintry temperatures at the scrapyard with flying colors. In addition, the hydraulic drives are particularly compact due to the angular gearbox and can be accommodated in the trolleys to save space.

Our products

Pneumatic motors PMW
Planetary gear
Multiple-disc brakes

Our products

Hydraulic motor RMX
Pneumatic motors DMO
Pneumatic control

Our products


In Konvertern wird das Roheisen in Stahl umgewandelt. Hierzu werden mithilfe von Lanzen Zusatzstoffe in den Konverter eingebracht, wie zum Beispiel reiner Sauerstoff, der auf das Roheisen geblasen wird, wodurch der Kohlenstoffgehalt des Roheisens reduziert wird. Der Pneumatikbremsgetriebemotor dient als Notantrieb und ermöglicht es, dass bei einem Stromausfall die Lanzen aus dem Konverter in die sichere Endposition verfahren werden können. Die Pneumatikeinheiten werden in verschiedenen Ausführungen eingesetzt. Bei der Projektierung wurde besonderes Augenmerk daraufgelegt, dass die Pneumatikeinheiten den hohen Temperaturen standhalten und absolut zuverlässig sind.

Tilting drives are located on the converter and enable tilting of the converter in the various process phases of primary and secondary metallurgy. Düsterloh Fluidtechnik has already successfully implemented a wide variety of drive concepts for this purpose all over the world.

Pneumatic brake gear motors are installed as emergency drives on numerous tilt drives. They enable the converter to be moved pneumatically to the desired position in an emergency, such as a power failure. The pneumatic unit is mounted, for example, with an electric motor on a gear unit with several gear inputs and can be engaged in an emergency via a clutch.

We also take over the project planning and implementation for the control of the pneumatic drives. In many cases, the control system is housed in a control cabinet and the emergency drive can be operated from a control center.

In addition to pneumatic and electric concepts, hydraulic drive solutions are also used. The robust design and very good controllability of our hydraulic motors make them particularly predestined for these tasks.

In many areas of the steel industry, gear units are used for power transmission. Examples include the tilt drive for converters and gearboxes in rolling mills. Düsterloh Fluidtechnik develops and manufactures hydraulic units for the lubrication and cooling of gearboxes that are precisely tailored to their requirements. This reduces friction-related losses and increases the service life of the gearboxes.

Lance drive for converter

Tilt drive for converter

Aggregates for gear lubrication